Question: If I am posting news on LinkedIn can I retrieve my message after I have clicked the share button.

Answer:  Yes you can – but you need to act quickly.

We all make mistakes and sometimes we are so anxious to fire off a news update that we miss a typo, a spelling mistake or even a glaring error.

It’s only when we review the post on our news stream that we notice the mistake.

The good news is that LinkedIn gives us a few moments to delete the message before it is distributed to our connections.

To delete a message simply hover over the All Updates tag at the top right hand corner of the post you have just sent. Up will pop the word Delete. Click on it and a further box will appear asking you to confirm that instruction. If you click on Delete again, the message will vanish.

Thanks to the magic of the delete button, you don’t need to be embarrassed by errors in your posts ever again.